
Graphitesender allow you to send metrics to any graphite server.


Graphitesender is available on pypi:

pip install graphitesender


Assuming your hostname is bob and your graphite instance is on

from graphitesend import GraphiteClient

client = GraphiteClient("")
client.send("foo", 42)

This will send the metric with the value 42 and the current timestamp


Graphitesender is a fork of graphitesend. This fork is here because with the author of graphitesend gone, there was no way to publish new versions.

A lot of things will change with this fork, but any breaking change will happen six months after its notice. Most often in the form of a deprecation.


  • Formatter interface
    • Client can receive a formatter argument
    • This formatter must be a callable. It receives the metric name (eg. foo) and must return a formatted metric name (eg.
    • Provide utilities to easily format metric names
    • Remove formatting arguments from Client
  • Rework module functions, that should be simple proxies
  • Isolate sending implementation to make it interchangeable

Indices and tables